
Aiden's Birth Story

Everything happened so fast, but I'll give you as much detail as I can. 

The background info:
I had my 38 week check up and I was having awful bladder pain all day. My OB office takes urine samples at every visit and I was prepared for them to tell me that I had a UTI or something major, because it hurt that bad. So I checked in, peed in my cup and took a seat. My name was called and they checked my weight and took my vitals. I don't remember waiting long to see my doctor. But as soon as she walked through the door she asked me: "are we in labor yet?" That greeting totally shocked me and I replied with a "I wish!" She checked me and I was dilated to 2 cm and effaced 80%. She said his head was really really low and that she would be surprised if I had him within that week. I told her about my awful bladder pain and she said "I think you are just trying to have this baby!" When she was doing my internal she said "let's see if I can stir up labor for you" and she dug around my cervix A LOT. I can only assume that she was stripping my membranes. After she checked me she filled out a form that I give to the receptionist and told me that if I think I'm in labor that I need to just go straight to Labor and Delivery and she will keep me! I was so excited to hear that because I didn't want to be one of those women that got sent home numerous times because they kept thinking they were in labor. That was around 3:30pm. 

After my appointment we went to SAMs to get some last minute stuff and I started hurting really bad. I started cramping down low and started hurting in my lower back insanely bad. I could barely walk and was having to take breaks and lean over the buggy. I had wanted to go to Hobby Lobby, but I was in pain so we decided to just go straight home. Around 6:30 that night I started timing my contractions and they were 3 - 4 minutes apart and lasted 30 seconds to a minute and it stayed like this for about an hour. I called my mom because she's a nurse and I wanted to see what she thought. She said there was no way that was real contractions because I shouldn't be able to talk thought them. All it felt like to me at this point was moderate cramping and tightening. But they were consistent, so I was concerned. My husband was cooking supper for us and we were joking around that I needed to eat a big supper in case I had to go to the hospital. Because I knew as soon as I got to the hospital that I couldn't eat any more. So we decided to watch it for another hour and they got about 2-4 minutes apart. We decided to go to the hospital. When I got there they checked me and I was still at 2cm. They put the monitors on my belly and watched me for about an hour. My nurse called my OB and she decided to admit me. She said that if I didn't break my water on my own, she would come in the morning and break my water.

The moment the nurse came in and told me I was being admitted I was completely speechless. It was go time. I WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY!

That night was completely crazy and time seemed to drag by. We got to the hospital around 10pm and my IV got started around midnight. Then I had to fill out all of my paperwork and the nurse asked me a thousand questions. Between my nurse bugging me and the excitement that I was going to finally get to meet my little miracle, I got zero sleep. I called close family and announced to Facebook that I was going to be a mommy soon. 

My water never broke on its own. The nurses kept telling me that my doctor would be there soon and the wait was treacherous. I didn't know what to expect from that, but a part of me was just ready to get it over with so that the labor could start and I could meet my baby boy. I got my water broke at 8:30am and they started me on a pitocin drip. My contractions slowly started getting stronger and I was progressing at about a centimeter an hour. I got to 3 cm and I was hurting. They told me when I got to 4 cm that I could get my epidural. But until then I got stadol that made me loopy and tired in between contractions so I was finally able to actually get some rest. I went from a 3 to a 5 within an hour and I was in gut wrenching pain. I was so glad I made progress that quick because I wanted relief. I was having excruciating back labor, so the nurses made me get on all fours to try and flip the baby. Apparently he wasn't in the right position. And it surprised how much that helped with the pain. The anesthesiologist came in and Adam had to leave. I had never been so terrified in my entire life. You had to sit extremely still THROUGH THE MOST PAINFUL CONTRACTION OF YOUR LIFE MIND YOU while he numbed my back and inserted the epidural. It started working super quick. And I got to rest. I got my bladder emptied by a catheter around 1pm and she was supposed to empty it again at 2pm. She completely forgot to empty me again (which wasn't a big deal until after I delivered Aiden.) At 9 cm they turned off my epidural and I had no idea. I started feeling the worst pain in my groin on my right side. And I started to feel his head come down. And I told them that I felt like I had to push. So they let me do a practice push to see how I did with it. But had me stop because my doctor wasn't there yet. My doctor got there and I started pushing with each contraction. At one point I heard the monitor that watched the baby's heart rate, and it started dropping. It freaked me out, but I kept on pushing. They had to give me an oxygen mask to make sure he was getting enough oxygen. And at one point my doctor was like do you feel this? And I felt pressure but not pain. But little did I know that's when they were giving me an episiotomy. I pushed for about 20 minutes and out popped Aiden! But he came out sideways. That's why she cut me, so she could get him out ASAP! And he was born at 3:41pm!! It all happened so fast, but the moment she laid him on my chest is a moment I will never forget.

After he was born he got wiped off and checked by his nurse and I got stitched up. Adam got to hold the baby first, then I got some Aiden snuggles. I was in a lot of pain after wards because I had to pee so bad but couldn't. Once I peed I was in so much relief. Before I got moved to my postpartum room, they started me on some kind of IV medicine that makes your uterus contract to stop the bleeding. Let me tell you, I felt like I was in labor all over again. I was on that drip for almost the whole night. And my OB had one of the nurses "massage" my stomach, but really she grabbed a handful and jerked it back and forth to help push everything out. We got to leave the hospital the next day!

>>>>> Aiden James Dowden <<<<<

Born March 1, 2013
6lbs 10oz
19.5 inches long

Pregnancy Week 35-38

So, here it is April 29, 2013 and I'm just now posting a weekly pregnancy update for weeks 35-38. These won't be my typical updates because it's been entirely too long since I've been pregnant. My sleep deprived brain can't remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday, much less how I was feeling when I was in the last month of my pregnancy.

I did start having weekly appointments starting at 35 weeks and that made the last month pass by so much faster. The appointments were really quick. They checked my weight and took my vitals. A couple of times my blood pressure was a little high and I had to lay on my left side for five minutes and then they had to come back and recheck my blood pressure. It always went down the second time after laying on my left side, so they weren't concerned about it. More than likely it was due to me walking my fat ass down the long hall and climbing up onto the examine table. 

>>>>> 35 Weeks <<<<<

>>>>> 36 Weeks <<<<<
I was admitted into the hospital. I was having constant cramping for 2 hours and I thought I was in preterm labor. My cervix wasn't dilated, but I was having contractions every 5 minutes. They gave me medicine to stop the contractions and I was sent home on bed rest. 

>>>>> 38 Weeks <<<<<
I took this picture right before my check up. I went into labor that night and had Aiden the next day!

Challenging Myself

I originally created a blog to keep up with my pregnancy. I wanted to remember every piece of it. I knew one day I would forget all of the little things. Because the little things mean the most. But as my pregnancy went on, the more I would forget to update everything from week to week. Well now Aiden is here and Adam and I are officially a f-a-m-i-l-y. I want to blog more and share more of my life with all of you. 

With that being said, Jerika over at Everyday Bay shared a challenge that she found on Story of My Life's Blog. What's the challenge? To blog EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. in May. 

Oh my Gosh! I can barely blog once a month, but now I'm being challenged to blog every day in May. Can I do this? I'm totally up for the task.

Now for the rules:

1. There really aren't any rules. If you miss a day, you can make it up or skip it. The blog police will not come knocking.

2. I will be including a linkup option at the bottom of my post each day, so you are welcome to leave your links here for others to peruse, as well.

3. You can still post other things every day, too. I'm sure some days I'll have more to blog about (a.k.a. my baby boy!)

4. Story of My Life would seriously love you if you also included the "blog every day in May" button (below) either on your sidebar or at the end of your posts, but again, the blog police will not come knocking. Her main goal here is to get us all back to the basics of blogging, not to gain a million new readers.

5. Here are the topics. You can be as creative and awesome or as boring and bland as you like with these. Take 'em and run with it. Use creative post titles. Interpret each "prompt" however you like. There's no wrong way to do it. Have fun.

Day 1, Wednesday: The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)
Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic.)
Day 3, Friday: Things that make you uncomfortable
Day 4, Saturday: Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc) and why you love it
Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member
Day 6, Monday: If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?
Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of
Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.
Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)
Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill. 
Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less
Day 12, SundayWhat do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)
Day 13, MondayIssue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.
Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy
Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)
Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it
Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why
Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.
Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them
Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.
Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives
Day 22, WednesdayRant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)
Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you
Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits
Day 25, Saturday: Something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget (good or bad)
Day 26, Sunday: Something you read online. Leave a link and discuss, if you'd like.
Day 27, Monday: A letter to your readers
Day 28, TuesdayOnly pictures
Day 29, Wednesday: Five songs or pieces of music that speak to you or bring back memories. Use Grooveshark or YouTube to include them in the post
Day 30, Thursday: React to this term: Letting Go
Day 31, Friday: A vivid memory

Who's going to do this challenge with me?

Catching up!

Life has been a little hectic lately and I have a lot of catching up to do. Who knew newborns were so much work?

Lots of updates coming!

Butternut Squash

February 20, 2013

Weekly Update

How far along are you? 34 weeks

Sleep? I sleep until about 8:30-9:30 and eat breakfast then go back to sleep until about noon.

Best moment? Our co-ed Baby Shower/BBQ! I had so much fun seeing my friends and family, and having everyone there to celebrate with us!

Movement? He must be running out of room in there. I can rarely feel him kick and move if I am standing. I have to lay down on my left side and really concentrate to do my kick counts. And sometimes he will give me some sharp jabs and kicks if I'm sitting on the couch.

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet!

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? A good night's sleep!

Looking forward to anything? Weekly appointments at my OB office!

Symptoms this week: Lack of sleep, nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time, almost no sleep, hungry ALL of the time, random leaky boobs, heartburn, hot all of the time!

Wedding rings? No

Maternity clothes? Loving my maternity jeans. I seriously can not believe I waited so long to get a pair.

>>>>>A picture of myself before the baby shower. 34 weeks 2 days.<<<<<

What the Bump says? Watch what you say! Your curious baby is listening in to your conversations at 34 weeks -- and might enjoy a lullaby or two -- so go ahead and sing to him. Some say that baby will recognize songs mom sings while he's in the womb, and may even be more easily soothed by them if he's used to them once he's on the "outside." At week 34, you might breathe a little easier, since baby may descend lower into your pelvis and give your lungs some space. (Ahh!) Of course, some babies don't do this until the day they're born, so we're not making any guarantees. The pitfall of this descent, of course, is even more pressure on your bladder, so be prepared to make even more trips to the ladies room over the coming weeks. Your baby's the size of a butternut squash! At less than two months to go, he weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. He's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! He may find them soothing after birth.) He's also urinating about a pint a day.



January 29, 2013

Weekly Update

How far along are you? 33 weeks

Sleep? I sleep until about 8:30-9:30 and eat breakfast then go back to sleep until about noon.

Best moment? We got to go back to our hometown for the weekend! I got some awesome furniture from my mom and Adam got all of his childhood books to bring home for our baby's library!! AND I got my first baby gift sent to my house!! The Graco Pack'n'Play from my Target registry!!

Movement? kicking around in there!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Feeling sexy. Yep, I said it!

Looking forward to anything? My baby shower in a couple of weeks!

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time, almost no sleep, hungry all of the time, leaky boobs, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hot all of the time!

Wedding rings? No

Maternity clothes? Adam took me to go get maternity pants from Motherhood and those things are so comfortable! I can't believe I haven't gotten a pair already.

What the Bump says? We'd tell you to take a deep breath and relax, but it's probably tough to do either of those at 33 weeks. It's probably tough to be comfortable at all, since you might be feeling overheated on top of your other symptoms, too. But you're probably getting super excited to meet baby, and we can't blame you. Week 33 is a good time to make sure you have a safe car seat for baby -- go ahead and install it already. Sure, you might now see baby for another month, but if you have an early surprise arrival, that's the one thing you really need to have ready. Your baby's the size of a durian! He weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And he may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing. He's keeping his eyes open while awake. He's also starting to coordinate breathing with suckling and swallowing. His bones are hardening. And he's going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!



How far along are you? 32 weeks

Sleep? Still off and on.

Best moment? We got to go back to our hometown for the weekend! I got some awesome furniture from my mom and Adam got all of his childhood books to bring home for our baby's library!! AND I got my first baby gift sent to my house!! The Graco Pack'n'Play from my Target registry!!

Movement? kicking around in there!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Feeling sexy. Yep, I said it!

Looking forward to anything? My baby shower in a couple of weeks!

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time, almost no sleep, hungry all of the time, leaky boobs, heartburn

Wedding rings? No

Maternity clothes? belly band. Mostly pajamas now because I'm not going to school this semester. Sweat pants when I go out.

>>>>>A picture of me at 32 weeks.<<<<<

What TheBump says: At 32 weeks, baby's birth still seems kind of far away, but you and baby are physically ready in a lot of ways, just in case there's an early arrival. Baby may have turned so she's in the head-down position by now, poised for her trip down the birth canal. And you may have noticed your nipples looking darker. That's so a preemie can see them for breastfeeding --isn't your body so amazing? Intensity might be building in the symptoms department, as heartburn and contractions intensify around week 32. But we're guessing you're so excited about baby's impending arrival, they're not slowing you down much. Your baby's the size of a squash! Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches. She's getting ready for her descent --she's likely in the head-down position now. And she's probably feeling even more cramped.



January 29, 2013

How far along are you? 31 weeks

Sleep? Still off and on.

Best moment? I had a lunch date with a new friend. And I got to get out of the house! I was getting a little stir crazy!

Movement? My little wiggle worm!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Wearing clothes that actually fit.

Looking forward to anything? It forever away, but I'm ready to have this stupid heart monitor off!

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time, almost no sleep, hungry all of the time, leaky boobs

Wedding rings? No

Maternity clothes? belly band. Mostly pajamas now because I'm not going to school this semester. Sweat pants when I go out.

What TheBump says: Welcome to week 31. Can you believe all five of baby's senses are fully developed? He also keeps getting smarter. That's probably good to know, since you might actually feel a little dumb. You're not! It's just that many  moms-to-be find themselves acting absentmindedly during the third trimester. Some say that "pregnancy brain" isn't a proven physical aliment, but can you think of another time in your life when you've had more on your mind than now? We're guessing no. That right there is enough of a reason to be so forgetful. From 31 weeks on, you're bound to feel a lot of the same symptoms -- some may get worse, some may become bearable. And you might start to have more trouble getting around as you get heavier and feel more short of breath. Remember not to push yourself too much. It's good for you and baby to get some exercise, but definitely take breaks to rest as much as you need. Your baby's the size of a pineapple! He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. He's getting so big, he's probably crowding your lungs. He's going through major brain and nerve development. Eye development, too. His irises now react to light! All five of his senses are in working order.


30 Week Ultrasounds

At my 30 week appointment on January 3, 2013, I went in for an ultrasound first and then met with my doctor afterwards. It was amazing to see how much he had grown since the last ultrasound we had at 18 weeks. I was the last patient of the day and it was getting really close to closing time, so I was afraid that the ultrasound tech wasn't going to take her time. She usually does the scans quick any way, but I was afraid that since they were about to leave, that she would go even faster. But to my surprise, she actually took her time, because she had to take pictures of the whole body to give to my doctor. She also confirmed that he is still a boy!

After my ultrasound, Adam and I got sent back to the lobby to wait to be called to a room to see my doctor. When we did finally get called back I was weighed and brought to a room. This visit was super quick. I didn't have any questions for her, and she just told me that the baby looked really good and that he was getting plenty to eat because he weighed approximately 3.5 pounds! It's within a healthy range, but closer to the bigger end of the spectrum. I think we have a chunk on our hands! I didn't get the length though. 

He are the pictures from the regular 2D ultrasound.

So, we got to the desk to set up our next appointment and also wanted to set up a 3D appointment and they said that they prefer to do them between 28-30 weeks for the best pictures. I was already 30 weeks along, so they set my 3D ultrasound up for January 7, 2013! I was so super excited that it was going to be that quick!!

So we got to our appointment for our 3D/4D ultrasound and we were the first people there. I signed in and they asked how we were going to pay and since we planned on paying with a card, they said we could pay after the ultrasound. Usually they get the payment before you get the ultrasound. And they tell you in the pamplet that sometimes you don't get good images because of the way the baby is sitting and it's kind of our loss. But the ultrasound lady was super nice and she said that if we don't get good images, she will re-do it for free.

So we got in the room and got set up and my little man was laying sideways and face down. She had to shake my belly for about 5 minutes to get him to turn. And when he did turn, he had either his hand or his foot up by his face. He is so limber that his foot could almost go behind his head. The ultrasound tech just thought it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. He must get it from me (no, not the limberness) but the fact that he has to have his hand or foot at his face. Because I can not sleep without my hand touching my face. Seeing it just melted my heart. At first she thought that we were going to have to come back later in the week because he absolutely wouldn't move his limbs aways from his face, but he gave us a few good ones, but to me they are all precious. We got about 30 pictures and a CD to take home. It was such an amazing experience. I really wish I could take home that sonogram machine so I could look at him every day! Here are some of my favorite shots of him.


January 29, 2012

How far along are you? 30 weeks

Sleep? Still off and on.

Best worst moment? The heart doctor put me on a 30 day event monitor. It has 3 attachments. I can take it off for 15 minutes a day. Which means I can take a 10 minute shower or bath and spend the last 5 minutes drying off and hooking the monitor back up. For 30 days. This has taken away the one thing that gives me peace of mind. I love taking baths and showers. Now I can't enjoy them for the next month.

Movement? My little wiggle worm!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Long bubble baths

Looking forward to anything? My 3D ultrasound!

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time, almost no sleep, hungry all of the time.

Wedding rings? No

Maternity clothes? belly band. Mostly pajamas now because I'm not going to school this semester.

A picture of me at 30 weeks.

What TheBump says: At 30 weeks pregnant, your belly's doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It's made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere you go, someone seems to have a comment about your physical appearance, which isn't always so fun. And no doubt,  you've encountered quite a few people who don't think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what's up with that?) Try not to take those comments seriously, but know which ones should be taken to heart. Like when they tell you you're glowing, believe them! And take advantage of some of the perks (when someone offers you their seat on the train -- take it!) At week 30, your dreams might be getting even weirder --if you're actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so consider doing some prep work to help you rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. The maybe you'll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car. Your baby's the size of a cucumber. Your 15.2 to 16.7 inch, 2.5 to 3.8 pound baby continues to grow. His skin is getting smoother. But his brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue. He's now strong enough to grasp a finger!


Acorn Squash

January 29, 2013

How far along are you? 29 weeks

Sleep? Thankful for the days I actually can sleep.

Best moment? Ringing in a new year with my hubs!

Movement? Kicking up a storm!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Sleeping on my back...

Looking forward to anything? More like NOT looking forward to my heart doctor appointment.

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks, constipation, peeing all the time

Wedding rings? No, sadly. I miss my wedding rings.

Maternity clothes? belly band

A picture of me at 29 weeks.

What TheBump says: You're probably already getting a little preview of baby's personality, the more you feel him move. You might get some playful kicks and jabs, and start to feel little hiccups, too! At 29 weeks, he's not just moving a lot, he's also plumping up. And as he continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you're going to feel the effects; hemorrhoids, heartburn, pelvic pain and frequent urination are all common at this stage in the game.  Week 29 is a good time to start finalizing stuff, like stocking the nursery with baby care essentials and checking out a few potential day cares. You'll also want to start packing a few things you know you'll want with you at the hospital at baby's birth. Leave it by the door, so you can add stuff you think of along the way -- and so you can grab it at a moment's notice. Your baby's the size of an acorn squash! Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, he weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but he's still got a ways to go -- can you believe he'll triple in weight before birth? He's getting a little cramped in there, since he's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks. He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and his energy is surging because of it. Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.



December 29, 2012

How far along are you? 28 weeks

Sleep? some days I sleep great and others I sleep like crap.

Best moment? Just knowing I'm in the third trimester is pretty exciting! Plus we were able to go home to Anacoco to spend 5 days for Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year and being with my family made it perfect.

Movement? My little nugget has become pretty active most days!

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? Being able to tie my shoes!

Looking forward to anything? Nothing special. It's been a quiet week around our house.

Symptoms this week: Nausea, Braxton Hicks (which I've been having for a few weeks now), my lower back has been KILLING me if I do too much on my feet, and speaking of feet, they are starting to swell a little and hurt when I spend too much time on them.

Wedding rings? I'm officially not wearing any rings. *Insert sad face here* My hands are just swollen enough that I could probably wear my rings, but I'm too scared.

Maternity clothes? I have one or two pairs of "fat pants" I can wear with my belly band. And as far as shirts, I can wear my regular t-shirts, but my stomach hangs out of the bottom like I have a beer belly. I wear Adam's shirts whenever I can.

What TheBump says: Welcome to the third trimester! Moms-to-be who are at 28 weeks and beyond are known for their lack of sleep. Remember if you find yourself up in the middle of the night, do something relaxing. This is not the time to vacuum the house from top to bottom -- even though you might feel the urge to do that at some point. Read a book, drink chamomile tea, listen to soothing music. Then try to get back to bed and get some rest! Being in the third trimester also means much of your and baby's anatomy are ready to go -- she's preparing for breathing, and your breasts already have colostrum, which is what baby will eat the first few days until your milk comes in. You'll also start feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body gets ready for labor. Baby will keep getting bigger -- and smarter -- after week 28, and other than that, she just needs a few more finishing touches. Your baby's the size of an eggplant. Putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches. She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother. Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!



December 29, 2012

**Side note here I am super late on posting my last few weeks worth of updates. I've been busy and completely forgot all about it honestly. I'll do my best to remember everything!

How far along are you? 27 weeks

Sleep? Nothing has changed much in this department - same as last week. I still sleep off and on. I get night sweats a lot lately and I still wake up every few hours to use the bathroom. And that's definitely not something I will miss after March 14.

Best moment? Being able to relax at home with no school to worry about and no job to go to.

Movement? Still active some days and quiet others.

Any food cravings/aversions? I'm still craving anything sweet and my food aversions change every day.

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? It's still an innie!!

What I miss? I miss sleeping on my back or tummy and taking a hot bubble bath.

Looking forward to anything? Nothing special. It's been a quiet week around our house.

Symptoms this week: My cold finally went away. My feet start hurting if I stand on them too long. And there were one or two days where I didn't feel good, thanks morning sickness.

Wedding rings? I'm wearing my engagement ring when I can remember to put it on when I leave the house.

Maternity clothes? I think I've been gaining more weight recently. I saved all of my "fat pants" and I've been able to wear a couple different pairs with my belly band. Still wearing regular shirts.

A picture of me at 27 weeks!

What TheBump says: At 27 weeks, baby is breathing (it's amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and even showing brain activity. You've got a lot on your brain, too, from wondering what labor and delivery is going to be like to trying to find the best pediatrician for baby. The annoying symptoms you've been having probably aren't going away, but at least you've probably found some ways to deal with them -- and hey, maybe you're used to them right now. As you say goodbye to the second trimester, you can look forward to some pretty embarrassing stuff (like having to pee all the time -- and maybe even when you don't mean to at all) that's all par for the late-pregnancy course. It's time to head down the home stretch. Are you ready? Your baby's the size of a rutabaga! At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, she's not just getting bigger, she's getting smarter. She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs. It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex.