
Halfway Point!

Sunday marked a pretty huge point in my pregnancy! I turned 20 weeks this past Sunday, April 6th.

We've had a name picked out since I was about 6 weeks pregnant and the name came to me in a dream - Tucker. I told Adam about the dream and how we are apparently having a boy, because I picked a name in my dream! Adam told me that he wanted to use his middle name "Daniel" for Tucker and I agreed. I love that we didn't have to argue or anything! Fast forward 9 weeks and we found out for sure that we are in deed having another baby boy!

When I was pregnant with Aiden, the whole nine months was almost nothing but constant morning sickness even with the nausea medicine. I gained a lot of unnecessary weight and I am pretty sure I was pre-eclampsic and they never really caught it. The last couple of weeks before Aiden was born was awful and I just remember being so swollen. Looking back at pictures I can see it. I asked myself the entire time "How can women do this more than once? How do women have more than one kid?" I always got the same response "You will forget all of the bad stuff as soon as you lay your eyes on your baby and get to hold him for the very first time." Can I just say that truer words have never been spoken?!

I can remember being home with Aiden for those first few weeks and months and all I wanted was to be pregnant again. I could no longer keep him to myself. I could no longer keep him protected from this bright and scary world we live in. I could no longer feel each jab, stab, and kick. I missed it, like, REALLY missed it. I never in a million years thought that I would ever want to be pregnant again, but I did. In those tiny quiet moments when I nestled him in my arms and shushed him to sleep. In those tiny, quiet moments when he looked at with such awe and admiration. I knew I wanted to be pregnant again. I knew I NEEDED to be pregnant again. Pregnancy is a small sacrifice you make, giving your body to your baby, so that they can greet you and you can raise and mold them into the person they are meant to be. I'm so freakin' excited that the boys will be so close in age! We are going to have our hands full, but the memories we are going to have will be so worth it!

This pregnancy as a whole so far has been a lot easier, but still hard some days. Early on I didn't have any morning sickness. It finally decided to hit me and then I got a stomach virus or something and went to the hospital because I was severely dehydrated. I didn't eat much for a while after that for fear of seeing it again and I lost about 6 pounds. The nausea has gotten a lot better and I've been making better food choices. I'm also doing a lot better on the weight gain perspective as well. I do get headaches from time to time and the only thing you can do for that is just wait for them to go away. There are days where I don't do much around the house because chasing Aiden takes all of my extra energy away. My favorite part of being pregnant is the kicks you get to feel as reminders that they are still healthy and happy!

This time around we were I was really impatient on the waiting to find out the gender thing. I just had to know as soon as possible! I researched elective sonographers in my area and found a place that did it for a really great price! We took some of our family and got to find out at 16 weeks that we were having a boy! We purchased a package and go back around 28 weeks to get our last 3-D ultrasound of our little man.

We haven't done a single thing to get his room ready and it's killing me! We have a guest bed to move out, carpet to rip up, flooring to lay down, and a closet to clean out. By this time with Aiden, all of his furniture was moved in and I was just waiting on his bedding. I can't wait to get started and share pictures!

Overall, this pregnancy has been such a breeze and I'm loving it! Adam and I joke that since Aiden gave me such a tough time when I was pregnant, he was an angel when he was welcomed into the world. We are worried that since Tucker is an easier pregnancy, that he will be the devil made over when he gets here. I hope not! We'll see!

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