
Inspire Me Link-Up: Summer Love

Today's inspiration board prompt is

"Summer Love"

I love everything about summer. Bright colors, swimming, tanning, good food, and yummy drinks! I wish I could live somewhere where it stayed summer weather all year long. That would be heaven!
Photo Credits (clockwise):

Now It’s Your Turn! 

 1. Create your own inspiration-board based on our pre-determined prompt.
2.Grab the html code below & add our button to your blog post. 
3. Link up your blog post, be social, make new friends and get inspired! 

We will feature our favorite inspiration board on the off-week and announce the prompt for the following week.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Your summer board is super cute! I love those sandals and that bathing suit. I am so ready for our summer weather to come around.

    1. Thank you! That's what I love about living in the south! It's summer weather for what feels like forever!

  2. Hello Summer!!! Loooove your board, as always!

    1. Thanks Chelsea! Your boards always give me inspiration to do a better board than my previous ones!
